
About EmpowerVPN

Learn more about EmpowerVPN

For better VPN service

  • A bug bounty program will be established

    EmpowerVPN is constantly discussing and developing to provide quality service to our users. To further improve the quality and security of our service, we are planning to establish a “Bug Reward Program” for users who find bugs.
    We will discover poor conditions based on feedback from users who use the VPN in various environments, and we will establish a system to protect users as fast as possible, and those who report bugs will be rewarded.

  • Thorough security testing

    EmpowerVPN is committed to developing and improving technology that provides VPN access and protects the privacy and cybersecurity of its users, as well as from surveillance and censorship.
    To this end, we have introduced thorough security testing on a regular basis to identify and resolve any weaknesses in our service.

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